Every company should have a logo. This statement doesn't surprise anybody nowadays. By means of logos customers can quickly distinguish one type of goods from another. The logo is capable to make the first impression about the company, both among customers and among potential partners. What is a logo?In the standard understanding logo is graphics mark of the specific company. Logos can be either purely graphic or composed of the name of the organization. There are also combined logos which consist of graphic and text part. Huge number of the logos can be separated conditionally on character, alphanumeric, text and combined types.
Icon/Symbol – symbols that consist from some characters – a sign, an icon and so on. It is believed that the simpler the logo is the better and faster it will be remembered by a customer. This rule is often used by large, already taken place in the market companies. Experience shows that with every change of the logo, it is becoming easier and simpler. Nevertheless, character logos are rather rare, even among recognizable large brands. The main logo consists of a sign and text part and usually is used for business documentation. Simplified, character the logo can decorate firm production, including souvenir, advertising materials and so on. Logos of such companies as Apple, Nike, Shall and Audi are considered as the most known character logos.
Logotype/Wordmark is as popular as other logos. It uses the name of the company as a main idea. Special font is the most important part of such logo. It can be standard or designed specifically for the company. Simplicity and correctly fitted the shade can quickly turn an emblem into a recognizable logo. Your popularity will grow in direct proportion to the logo recognition. Coca-cola, Pepsi, FedEx and even Google took advantage of a word mark. Today they are the most famous brands around the world.
Letter Mark is very similar to the Icon. The main difference is that letter mark use the first letter of a company name or a combination of several significant letters, not the whole word. This kind of marks has very ancient history. Many centuries ago monograms made by combining the initials of the family were used as family guardian. Besides, they were used as the patrimonial coats of arms determining a person belonging to a particular family. Today text logos didn't lose the functionality and help customers identify goods and service to a certain companies. The most known text logos are IBM, USA, Network, American Broadcasting Company.
Combination Marks is a combination of image (icon) and some text (wordmark). These marks are the most popular kind of logos because of their flexibility for the use. Two part of combination mark can be used separately or together. A well-designed combination mark looks just as good with the elements separate as it does with them together. You might recognize some combo marks like Hawaiian Airlines, Adidas and Sprint.Any way logo design is a very necessary service which must be done only by professionals. Design experience and impeccable taste - these are the components of quality and a good logo. Tatty or totally unsuitable trademark can severely harm the image.