Company website is very important component of its image. Creating a corporate website should be trusted only to qualified employees. It should contain all the newest and useful information for clients and partners of the company, convenient feedback modules and the other services. Competent approach for site creation is capable to raise company rating and also it is more favorable to provide it in the market of services or goods and to attract new clients.
No matter how good your site is, over time, its design is sure to be changed. The rapid development of Internet technology forces a company to order website redesign. Every year appears a huge number of useful services which can bring to the company big benefit. Site redesign doesn't mean full remodel of a resource. Sometimes cardinal changes can even do much harm, for example, having reduced recognition of the company on the Internet. Nevertheless, it is recommended to update every two-three years.
Why Do You Need a Website Redesign?
Each company may have its own reasons for the redesign of the site. Among the main factors for the redesign are the following: obsolescence of existing design, low popularity of a site, discrepancy of requirements of web technologies, change of company style and policy. There are many other, less significant reasons for website redesign.
Aging of an original form of a resource – it is unpleasant, but inevitable process. Time goes, the company develops, as well as competitors. Company website is a powerful marketing tool therefore it should always be on top. The ordinary user has a huge choice among Internet resources therefore it is very important to capture its attention at once. This task can be performed only by original, attractive site design. Even if a few years ago your site was created by the professional, it doesn't mean that today the design remained effective.
The low number of visitors on your site means that it is unattractive for potential clients. In that case you need to study your target audience. And after that start creation of operating design and a functionality. Also it is very important to fill a site with interesting and useful information.
Development of web technologies is one more reason for site redesign. New rules and possibilities of site development allow programmers and maker-ups to create more laconic and light sites. Also to use original effects which are capable to capture attention of the visitor in those important first seconds. One more technological reason is wide use of the modern devices, such as smartphones or tablets. Site requires revision, if you want it to display correctly on any of the gadgets.
Change of a corporate policy or corporate style – very important reasons for redesign.
This happens infrequently but it requires substantial processing of all Internet project. Change of structure of the company, merge or decays usually involve also up-dating of a corporate style or its elements. Thus, a corporate site also needs redesign.
At last, fashion trends can become the reason of website redesign. The customer can order any changes of the resource simply because today it is fashionable.
What are the main types of redesign?
Website redesign can be different. Visual redesign assumes changing of external design of pages only. The adjustment may be exposed as a whole pages, and individual elements, such as head or footer. Such changes can be made, when the corporate style of the company changes. Corporate site as part of identity and image, has to be a part of general concept. Since the change of corporate identity is a rare event, visual design changes infrequently.
The functional redesign is developed much more often than the visual. It includes not only change of visual part, but also processing of functional part of a site. Similar changes can include installation of a convenient control system, creation of new sections, introduction of necessary modules and services (payment modules, forums, baskets, news lines and so forth). Such redesign requires careful preparation and execution.
Backend redesign as the separate type of redesign is extremely rare. After this kind of redesign external site design remains untouched. Backend redesign is necessary when the speed of site operation too low because of its congestion incorrectly prepared graphics or excess resource-intensive modules. Besides, backend redesign is necessary for site optimization and its promotion. Though, usually such changes are carried out in case of the order of specialized services in optimization.
If company website doesn’t help company’s identity, reduces its reputation, glitches in operation, it is time of full redesign. It is a hard decision for large companies, after all the corporate site is a part of image. Redesign cannot pass easily. Nevertheless, in case of competent approach, it is possible to place emphasis on completely updated site and to provide this news as an index of growth and company development.
Eventually, you don’t always need some special reason for the redesign. The client can simply order such service because he was bothered by the former design, no matter how fashionable, simple and laconic it was. «I want to add more bright colors and a few useful services! And to save a corporate identity! » – Here is quite valid desire of the owner of the website. And such kind of redesign is often the most successful. The site is updated, becomes more attractive and the functional. And corporate style, which is a result of long and hard work of whole department, remains. And the main thing is that the customer remains happy and grateful!