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+38 (096) 662-2741Don`t call us at night, guys!
A website for one of Spain`s biggest companies – MALACAT GROUP.
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Trial model creation
We made the first homepage version according to company`s corporate style and client`s vision, but nobody liked it, including the client. Anyway, you can see it below, saved for the history.

Home page sketch
The client appreciated an idea of his company`s corporate identity re-branding, because the old one has irrevocably outdated. So, we re-designed it.

Second homepage version

Third version

Another offered concept

Approved homepage variation

Idea development

Details drawing

Making the map more realistic

Synchronizing with the website style

More elements added

Trying another color gamut

Home page final version
The client liked it, except of the map.

So we found another «color solution» for it.

The map into site installation
The final website homepage version.

Demonstration of the homepage map manipulation
The map can be manipulated with a easy-to-use, optional button at left.

The «About Us» page sketch

Second version

The «Activities» page sketch

Another version

Analytics (indicators, metal settlement exchange rates etc.) sketch

How a video-clip is to be opened.

«Contact us»

Customer Negotiation
As the client, "MALACAT GROUP" company, and all its representativesare located in Spain, - all negotiations were done by Skype and e-mail.

 And that`s how project discussions and approvals looked like during the whole process of website development.

Website content development
The website has a complicated structure which is fully customizable for any visitor from any world region.

Wandering a bit

All the data is to be precise and verified

Analytics is a significant part of the project

By the way

The client:"MALACAT GROUP". Malaga, Spain.

Project hand over date: March 18th, 2012.