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Website creation and 3D models for production lineofthe «Balcony» trademark.
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Sketch #1: home page
Several home page design options were created for a website. The sketch below is the first version created by us and offered to our client.

Sketch #2: homepage
Then we remade the menu and attached a thermometer, as the client wanted.

Sketch #3: home page
The client liked everything, but asked us to make one more sketch with a living room. So we made one.

Sketch: production
While the client was busy, making a decision on the home page design, we devised our vision of production section.

Sketch: production (in detail)
That`s how detailed product description page can look – see the sizes, prices etc.

Home page sketch
The client decided that the second home page version is better, so it was approved. But they asked us to «replace» a couple of people on the sketch.
So, we started the drawing, making the background and general balcony draft.

The final home page model
Then we added a few corrections and here`s what we got! Sending to our client for approval.

Sketch #4: the home page
As it often happens while something is being created, in the end somebody will always come, take a look and make his footprint in the finished creation.
We had no choice but to devise an absolutely new website concept, meanwhile financial matters were being solved.
We offered an option with a home page, where all company`s production would be presented and each of products would be animated, so a visitor could see all its features and capabilities with a single mouse-point.

3D model
Every image is a 3D model which gets divided into separate objects, and when the image is viewed on the website, every single object creates an animating picture that demonstrates properties of the product.