- Basket
The basket itself will look ascetic and convenient, without excessive forms and transitions.
- Selected products
On this page it will be comfortable to add products to your basket or purchase them even faster – with help of «Fast Order» button. The client will also appreciate advantages of friendly product review interface.
- Personal profile
If you are the web-store`s customer, your personal information may be located there. Keep in mind that the site is based on CMSDK, reliable controlling system, that`s why all data will be protected.
- Category
With help of «Product category» webpage, transition will be done from search engine result pages to specific website sections with products, users are interested in.
- Home page
On the home page we demonstrated two main options, being enabled with a plain slider transition. The sections are about web-store`s popular items and TOP products. Also, take notice of dynamic background, which operation principles are described in «Project development» section.
- All pages
The basket itself will look ascetic and convenient, without excessive forms and transitions.