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Host is a unit of the computer equipment connected to a network. Any computer or server can be a host. In most cases the host is meant as each unique visitor of a site in a day (unique IP address is a very important thing for a web site statistic).
DNS means Domain Name System. It associates domain names with servers IP-address on which the web site hosts. When a user enters a website address DNS addresses to a database, which contains a pair of the site address - server IP address, compares them, and shows the page user was looking for.
Domain name
Domain name is a website address. Domain name consists of several labels. The right-most label in the name, for example, .com is the top level domain (TLD) and the word before represents the second level domain and is the actual name. A domain name can contain letters of the Latin alphabet, digits from 0 to 9 and hyphen.
Redesign is a variation of full or partial conversion of the web site. Redesign can change visual part (visual redesign - image correction or a complete change of design), functional (functional redesign – CMS setup, adding pages, modules, components, etc.), technical redesign (troubleshooting a slow loading site by optimizing the graphics and other content) or complete redesign.
Web hosting

Web hosting is a type of service offered by specialized companies. It allows locating web site (with all its files, data bases and so on) on a company’s server, which provides round the clock access to the site. An important selection criterion is the host operating system on which the software runs. Quantitative (the amount of traffic, sites, the amount of disk space and other) and qualitative (server performance, bandwidth, etc.) restrictions are also important.